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SUNDAYS 6:00-7:30PM
6th-12th Grade Students

We praise God for the gift of our students and prioritize their care and discipleship. Our goal is for youth at Crossview is to surpass us in faith, knowledge, righteousness, fruitfulness, evangelistic zeal, and commitment to world evangelization. We join with parents to nurture the faith of the next generation in a God-centered, Christ-exalting, Bible-saturated environment.

What to Expect

1. Snacks & social time
2. Activity

Anything from team building challenges to dodgeball!
3. Teaching
4. Small Group Discussion
We break out by middle school/high school and gender.
5. Worship
Worship time is student lead!


Become a
Youth Mentor

If you are an adult who desires to build relationships with our youth and partner with parents in discipling them, connect with us at the button below or email


Elephant Ears

Every summer we take the Elephant Ear trailer out to local fairs to raise money for our Youth Group. Students and parents also have an opportunity to make money! For every shift you work, money gets set aside for you to use for youth events (mission trips, ice camp, etc.)


Please feel free to email us at

You can also click the buttons below to get connected with our Facebook and Instagram pages or join the Parent Email List.

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